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Community Partner with Verona School District to provide PreK for families in VASD and MMSD.

Social interactions with peers, self-help skills, letter and sound recognition, rhyming, writing of names as well as other letters and numerals, numeral recognition and adding and subtracting with manipulatives are some of the many things that the children in the Ladybug Room are working on.

The Ladybug Room was designed to provide exceptional care for children aged four to five years. Enrolled families can expect a safe, secure, nurturing, and age-appropriate learning environment. Experienced, well-qualified teachers are staffed at a 1:12 ratio. Teachers are dedicated to responding promptly to every child’s daily needs.

The Ladybug Room has a generous parent area which displays weekly lesson plans, upcoming events, classroom volunteer sign up, as well as a glance at each particular day’s activities. In addition to communication at drop off and pick up, families are encouraged to call or visit as desired.


Classroom Schedule

Ladybugs continue to practice consistency by following a daily routine. Teachers foster growth by introducing new experiences through creative play and exploration while encouraging children to learn.


Arrival / Outside Play / Inside Free Choice


Morning Meeting


Morning Snack (optional)


Choice Time / Handwriting Without Tears


Circle Time


Outside Play




Nap / Quiet Activities


Story Time / Snack


Outside Play / Choice Time / Pick-Up

What to Expect in the Ladybug Room

Social Emotional Development

  • Demonstrates self-control. 

  • Accepts guidance from adults. 

  • Engages in small/large group activities and social interactions with peers. 

  • Follows classroom rules and routines. 

  • Exhibits positive self-concept and confidence in his/her abilities. 

  • Works and plays well with others. 

  • Resolves conflicts using appropriate words and actions. 

  • Respects and cares for classroom environment and materials. 

  • Cares for personal belongings. 

Cognitive Development

  • Counts with one-to-one correspondence, 1-10. 

  • Verbally count from 1 to 20. 

  • Identifying numbers 1 – 10. 

  • Sorts objects by one or more attributes or characteristics. 

  • Matches groups having equal numbers of objects up to 10. 

  • Compares and orders by size. 

  • Uses tools to explore measuring. 

  • Drawing a picture of self, including eyes, nose, mouth, ears, fingers, etc. 

  • Identifying and create AB patterns.  

Physical Development

  • Moves with strength and balances. 

  • Shows hand-eye coordination strength and control 

  • Holds writing tool with a three-point finger grip. 

Literacy and Language Development

  • Uses verbal and nonverbal language to communication. 

  • Ask questions to gain information. 

  • Understands increasingly complex and varied vocabulary in environment.  

  • Letter identification-upper and lower case. 

  • Writing their name legibly. 

  • Makes some letter/sound connections and isolates some beginning sounds. 

  • Understand basic concepts of print. 

  • Identify words that rhyme. 


6914 Colony Dr

Madison, WI 53715



3025 Fitchrona Rd

Fitchburg, WI 53711


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